it's not the social media that work for you it's what you do to make it work

Engage & Grow Using Facebook Groups

Posted on: Friday, July 29th, 2016

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are user-created groups based on common interests. These interests can include anything from a favorite celebrity or other entertainment news to more beneficial purposes such as similar business interests. With these social media groups that can be created as either public or private, there are several innovative ways they can help your business regardless of its size.

1: Establish Expertise

Many customers value the idea of accessibility to your knowledge and expertise. By creating a Facebook Group or contributing to an existing one, you can become a useful resource for thousands of potential clients. This establishes your reputation without any blatant self-promotion.

2: Promote and Organize Events

Older methods of organizing events and promoting your business can often feel like herding cats. Using Facebook groups to do so lets users easily network, share photos, and collaborate. Once any promotional material is finalized, it’s easy to share with the rest of Facebook!

3: Make Exclusive Offers

Modern customers also value the feeling of exclusivity; of being “in the know” about special offers. Within your Facebook group, you can “pin” a post to the top of the group, making it easier for everyone to see. Making this pinned post a special offer (such as a free eBook) helps promote your relevance and makes customers feel valued.

4: Better Customer Service

Modern clients want personal customer service (as opposed to something automated), but would rather receive it by online chat rather than making a direct phone call to a phone tree. Cater to your customers with a “secret,” invite-only Facebook Group specifically for customer service. This provides a forum for genuine questions and helps keep disgruntled customers from your business page.

5: Testing Content

Hopefully, you are utilizing other social media outlets and blogs for your business. Using smaller Facebook Groups is a good way to test how customers will respond to new content you create. Take what gets the most group engagement and turn it into content for your public business page.

These five tips can certainly improve your customer engagement and retention, however, there are a number of other ways in which you can use Facebook Groups to your business’s advantage. Have you found your niche by using these groups in other ways? We’d love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to comment in the box below. And while you’re at it, be sure to check out how the Social Connect Facebook Page is kicking off the month of August!

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